Dedicated to the Higher Life and Higher World Of Humanity
Because All Life is Interconnected
and Holistic
Bonded by LOVE of the Eternal and Timeless ONE
"There is no fear
in Love; but perfect Love casteth out fear"
— 1 John 4:18
We are
All One Life
Connected through our Heart Centers
In Accord with the Integrity of the Earth
and Nature
Holistic in Thought
Sees All Life as One and Interconnected
we Mirror that Oneness and Interconnectedness in
all that we Create on
the Earth
View of the Human
Carries the Divinity Within
Connect with the Oneness and Joy of Life for the Progress, Evolution and
Enlightenment of All
Life on Earth
Aligns Money to the Human Divine Purpose of Each and Every Individual
For the Full Creativity and Wisdom of Each and Every Individual
the Tear in the American Founding:
Re-Acquainting Both Americans and Muslims with the American Founding
Principles and Islam
Replaces "Perpetual War" with
Perpetual Peace for the Upliftment of All
Moving Out of the "War on Terror" and Picking Up with the Forward
Enlightened Progress of Humanity Together
Life, Liberty,
Happiness and Prosperity for All
Life = Quality
Liberty = No Infringements
Happiness = You Know It
Prosperity = No Poverty Returning America to its True Divine Purpose and Blueprint of
Humanity's Own Manifest Destiny
Now Liberated to Soar
"America's Destiny is Not Power, but Light" —
Benjamin Franklin
The Integral Elements of the New
World Model:
"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which
rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a
method is love." ....
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness:
only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do
AND JUSTICE "Power at its best is love implementing
the demands of justice.
Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against
love" —
Martin Luther King, Jr
Boston Strong, Boston Right
“Our country is the world, our countrymen
are all mankind. We love the land of our nativity, only as we love all
other lands. The interests, rights, and liberties of American citizens
are no more dear to us than are those of the whole human race. Hence we
can allow no appeal to patriotism, to revenge any national insult or
William Lloyd Garrison, Declaration of Sentiments, Boston Peace
Conference, 1838
"Make Gentle
the Life of this World"
Robert F. Kennedy
"My fellow
citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what
together we can do for the freedom of man" —
John F. Kennedy
America Go First
Union Forward!
One Humanity, One Love
One Life Under God:
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" —
of Independence
Liberating our World for Love means picking up on the
visionary words of Thomas Jefferson's "governing ourselves without a
master," which points us to the way of the external world of no government—or
for that matter.
A world of own self-government means creating a world with
the external factor of nurturing, vs the external factor of controlling.
Our own self-government is derived from the moral law
within that we also know as Love and Light and contains the grand and
universal ethic of all that is Good, Just, Beautiful, True and Right—which
brooks no contradictions—setting
us on the Higher path and is the world of our Higher nature.
Our Higher nature generates Love and Peace, vs the world
of War and
Fear which is derived from our Lower, Egoistic Nature. The presence of
the Higher world means we can come together and build a new world model that truly
reflects and connects our Higher (Godly) nature to the Higher life and world we all
desire together for all, everywhere.
Outer Change
Nurtures Inner Change
— Therefore the Issue is Outer Change, Not Inner
It is time that we must question the appropriation of our Planet
in the form of simply a resource to be consumed, where Humans
and other Life forms on the Planet are "captured" resources in a
Soulless System that INVADES, uses, abuses and at its end point,
simply throws away and destroys;
This device was created with raw materials from central
Africa. These materials are rare, nonrenewable, were
sold to fund a bloody war of occupation, and have caused
the virtual elimination of endangered species."
The Mechanistic
Paradigm Destroys the Planet, Enslaves Humans, and
Creates Industries Unnatural to the Evolution of the
Earth and its Inhabitants: Nuclear, Chemical,
Weaponry, Pharmaceutical, GMO, Hi-tech—vs
Holistic Tech that does no harm to Nature nor Humans
The desire for Planet Earth to be a home and community to be
lived in by all Life, including Nature, the indigenous peoples
and the Natural world without harm, and with full dignity and meaning in
on all levels
as an interconnected Whole.
Our Human
Union —
Different Colors —One
For a System with Soul, there is only ONE UNION on this planet,
and it is HUMAN—warm, kind and loving—join us.
A world of War, Hunger, Starvation,
Poverty, Homelessness, Despair and a Permanent Underclass is No Longer Acceptable. All
Human Beings Carry the Divine Spark. In the concept of "Nature or Nuture"—that
which develops a Human Being the Best—It
Must be Both. It is Simply not Enough to Have "Inner
Change." We Must also Have the Complement of the OUTER.
The New World Model Carries both Inner and Outer
Change — the
Balance of Life Perfectly Complemented, Connected and Made Whole
Through and Through.
It is no longer right or acceptable that one half of the Planet is
hurting through hunger, homelessness, starvation, war, despair,
debt slavery
and slave labor—a
permanent underclass, while the other half
is oblivious to the causes of such
conditions as they derive from the present world model of the
Mechanistic (Malthusian / Darwinian)
world paradigm where Human beings, and all Life for that matter, are simply
abused and then thrown away. And how many ways can you think of with
war being just one of them on the Human level, and the
horrific practice of factory farming of animals being another way and on
another level shall we say?
Our new world model connects us to the universal ethic and
ways which nurture, cultivate and draw out our Higher nature—which
in turn connects us to the immortal LOVE of the Eternal and Timeless ONE—just
as all the great Religions of Humanity shine the light and guide us to.
For example, here is an example of why we find the Vegetarian Food Life
Style in Religion which speaks to both our inner and outer worlds:
When we eat right, we can treat all Life right, and when we
treat all Life right we do no harm which allows for greater insights into how we
live and progress ourselves on the Planet together as One Life where
we live the world of gentleness and Love in the maxim of "do no harm" and
"tread lightly on the Earth."
Further, OUTER CHANGES or CORRECTIONS are necessary for INNER CHANGES to take place—an
example being the effects of the chemically laden
fluoridated water on the Human pineal gland. Water is given to us pure, natural
and invigorating by the Earth itself—the
conspiracy to add
dastardly chemical to our water supply
harms and disrupts the body and suppresses consciousness and
At the same time, altering our food supply through
GMO monstrosities also
causes damage to the bodies of both animals and humans, while at the same
time, destroying the evolutionary process of Earth, where Intelligent Design
co-evolved all life forms together over billions of years to perfection.
What a crime of massive proportions that is being committed on all of Life
through these errant ways.
The word in Religion for it all is "SIN"—which
actually means "error." We are therefore sinning or erring against
in turn is Creation, which in turn is God's. At the same time, as all
Life is interconnected, we are sinning or erring against ourselves which
means we are harming our own selves as a life force on this Planet. Chief Seattle
"The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth.
All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did
not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he
does to the web, he does to himself."
The Planet and all Life on
it is for our nurturing, care, and our co-evolution of consciousness, not for use and abuse as we find in the
System of Mammon.
A World of Religion—George
Washington, You're Right—Religion
is the Pillar
of Morality and Morality is the Pillar That
Upholds All Life
"Of all the dispositions and
habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality
are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the
tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great
pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of
men and citizens.
Where is the security
for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of
religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments
of investigation in courts of justice ? And let us with caution
indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without
religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined
education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience
both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in
exclusion of religious principle."
“The arc of
the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Is it God or is it Mammon?
Religion itself in its Latin source means "to bind," "to re-connect" or
"to unite." In all Religions we find the way that allows us to
bind, reconnect and unite WITH God—morally,
spiritually and physically through our Higher Nature. Anything else is
sin or error—as
we see above, giving us the wrong way and choices.
At the same time, God is Love, and Love is the world and
Word of God which upholds, expands and uplifts all Life—which
takes us to the idea of "no rules, just right," i.e. no man-made rules or
government for that matter, which leads us into the visionary idea and
reality of Thomas Jefferson's "governing ourselves without a master"—as
the completion of the American Experiment.
What is inhibiting the American Experiment is
the Lower Nature which has built the nation and world on Mammon, War and
Mammon is the Aramaic word for "money," which means the
world we have is built on ill-gotten gains which harms and destroys all Life
and freedom itself. By building a world on such a basis, our world is
severely diminished. Can we think of all
the ways the world has been built on ill-gotten gains, including in the
aftermath of September 11th?
It is Religion that tells us "we cannot serve two masters, it is either
or Mammon" (Luke 16:13). God is Love, warmth, nurturing, caring and giving.
Mammon is cold,
cruel and controlling (as well as thieving, conniving, deceiving and stealing). Both God and Mammon give us two very different
it is pretty clear which is the one we all would Love to live in—as
Love (and expansion of our spirit) is our Natural (and joyous) state of being.
The below Manifesto brings us to the world of God, of Love,
and nurturing of all Life on the Planet in both the progression and
liberation from the destruction of Mammon which is putting its final touches
on ending all Life as we know it:
Take a Good Look at What
is Happening All Around and Over the Planet
Environmental Catastrophe Worse than Hiroshima
“The only real 'help' that came from the US was their deployment
of the weapons prohibited by the Geneva Convention …. which
forbids the use of any weapons capable of changing the
environment at the site of war including making changes to
climate and water sources, which will affect the entire
ecosystem. [Freedom and democracy was a lie], they deployed all sorts of weapons you
could think of: cluster, white phosphorus, depleted uranium
munitions, toxic gases and poisonous substances,
in other words chemical weapons.
All these types of weapons were used deliberately and massively.
[Others] were test-tried in Iraq and caused an environmental
catastrophe worse than that of Hiroshima" —Dr. Omar al-Kubaisi
More Weapons that Keep on Giving
Even our Animals of the Earth are Not Immune from Land
Well After the Killing Has Finished
Multiply What You See Here by the
Hundreds of Thousands of Those Who Commit Violence —War—
Who Wins?
22 military veterans commit suicide
And This by the Millions
of People who Received Their
All Like Us, and All Simply
Wanting to Live
Their Lives
Their Own Nations in Peace
When the World was Decent, we had the Concepts
"Man's Inhumanity to Man;" "Crimes Against Humanity" and "War Crimes" as a Correction to Our World.
President Kennedy also talked in the terms of "Mankind" and the
"Human race" through a moral lens and marker that surpassed
nationality or any other divide to reach right to our Humanity.
Another Diabolical Invention to Harm the Earth and its
"Drilling and fracking a single well requires up to 7
million gallons of water, plus an additional 400,000 gallons of additives,
including lubricants, biocides, scale- and rust-inhibitors, solvents,
foaming and defoaming agents, emulsifiers and de-emulsifiers, stabilizers
and breakers. At almost every stage of developing and operating an oil or
gas well, chemicals and compounds can be introduced into the environment."
Natural Resources are for the Integrity and Functioning of
the Earth and Its Eco Systems, Not for Harm, Destruction, Exploitation
and Profit
The Hopi Indians said, 'If
we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
Other indigenous races of
the Earth have said that there is a sacred order to the Universe
and that there is "a belonging of things where they are" in
other words, there is a sacred order to everything in Creation—to
the fabric of Life itself.
We must therefore, "leave things where they are," i.e., what is
below the Earth, for example, such as oil, gas, coal and
uranium must remain where they are.
They all have purpose to be where they are. When they are
brought out of their place to the surface, where they do not
belong, they instead damage
and harm all life on the surface of the Earth.
Without a Conscious System Change to
Peace and Life and the
Coming Together for It, All Life will be Destroyed on the Planet
Further, as another
example, the Amazon Jungle is home to the greatest Biodiversity
of life on the Planet and is itself the lungs of the Earth as
the Amazonian Indians have said. Instead, we see, in the
highly destructive System of Mammon
the wanton destruction
the Amazon jungle.
War is Not the Way —
America Go First
All wars against people in foreign lands since 9/11 have
essentially been
a one-sided slaughter against helpless people.
Martin Luther King, Jr said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere" —
if the correction is not made to end this terror on another part
of the the Human race, what goes around will also come around;
The Mechanistic World Model treats Human beings as things—to
be used, abused, tortured, experimented on and thrown away. How many
ways can you think of where the world has been created to such
The World has Become Increasingly Barbaric and Inhumane
We can now with clarity, choose to create a new, authentic Reality
and world based on the Unity of the Human Race that connects us to each
other and to all Life on the Earth—so that we may create that new world
based on a new model directly through our
heart center that expands our Love for all, and for all Life on the
Perfecting Our Love
and Holding the Light—
Rebuilding Civilization "Under God"
Upholds the Ways of All the
The compassion of Buddhism
The universal humanitarian love of Christianity
The super economic progress of Islam
The true purpose of the Human in the Vedas
A Return to the Natural Earth
Regenerating the Soil for Humanity's Natural Health and
Nutrition from God's own Natural Food Pharmacy—Making all
Disease a Thing of the Past;
Laying Down our Holistic Structure for the Nurturing of All
Life on the Planet
Reflects, connects and progresses with the
fundamental Interconnectedness and Oneness with All Life;
A Toxic Free Earth —
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
All Planetary Products, Food and Water Natural, Not Artificial
Nor Chemical;
A Pro-Human Earth with Dignity and Respect for All
Proceeds Towards
The Spiritual UN
Fund for Non Harm and Sharing
Our Goal is to Build a Heart Connecting Structure that Truly
Represents the Best of What the Human Race Can Be as One Humanity, One
Laying Down the Natural Evolutionary Blueprint of What Humanity is
and How We Can Grow Consciously Together with the Planet
through All its Beauty, Workings, Wonder and Awe
Structure is "The Spiritual UN"
Represent the Spirit in All of Us that has no Politics
but Simply the Best in All of Us
we are Nations, Tribes, Ethnicities and Religions—
"A (God-Held) Unity In Diversity"
Of Wonderful Colors and Cultures of Unique
Individuals Upholding the Way of
God (Light) and Coming Together for LOVE of All Life
which brings us to Inclusiveness
A Message to Muslims
As Others Divide, We Unite
Islam Directs Us to "Build Light on Light" for the
of the Unity and Brotherhood of the Human Race
We are going beyond the artificial divide of nationality and all the
division of politics by the first ever structure that is truly
representative of all the the great Religions and wisdom traditions of
our world to progress our Human Family in complete harmony and happiness
TOGETHER with the care of the Earth and all Life on it—as it was designed to be
and what we are asked to do from the core of all the great teachings we
find in all the great Religions.
Returning to our simple and natural Humanity we are able to move beyond
the box of both our "nationality" and "politics" to the liberty, freedom
and goodness of our Humanity as one Race—Human—with One Love—God. The
Spiritual UN Gentle Path isthe unifying centerpiece that enables
us to come together in “A more perfect union” of ourselves with all
Life, so that we may, in the words of George Washington, attain “the
last stage of Human perfection” capturing the track of our true Human
destiny together as a Human Family—where there is no enemy.
The Spiritual UN Gentle Path is the preparation, the
right soil, rich in depth and elements for the life-enhancing and
life-nourishing seeds to be sown and take up with deep roots, thus
allowing good things to grow and flourish as God gave it to be.
Through it, we have a whole new Holistic system and thought structure
for a Warless world—in response to the highly divisive
"Clash of
Civilizations" and "Perpetual War" reality that has ignited a
destructive world and is destroying and fragmenting all civilizations
and life on the Planet.
In the wisdom of all Religions with the
significant fundamental
common ground between the two great Religions—Islam and Christianity—We,
the common people of all nations are able to return to our rightful
destiny as the Human Family and createa new uplifting structure
for all our Human needs—from our basic to our universal spiritual for a
truly progressive, peaceful, enlightening and prosperous world for all.
Islam: Politics,
Divisiveness, Fascism
Not the True Islam
Rights, people
and places are to be both respected and protected.
Further, if Islam in
any way, shape or form does not square with the American Founding, then
it is neither Islam nor consequently "Sharia"—which
essentially means, "the road to the watering hole." In this
logical and conceptual meaning, fascism, inequality and a totalitarian
state are not the way nor the objective of Islam—but
simply the fulfilment, progress and happiness of the
human and civilization—i.e.
all humans as the American Declaration of Independence itself puts
forth in the notion, "Life, Liberty and Happiness" of all
through the Creator—or
what is life or a nation "Under God":
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
"America's destiny is not power, but light"
— Benjamin Franklin
Islam says, "Build Light on Light" —
which tells us, America is the New